How Setting Intentions Can Provide Focus For Your Daily Life
Three years ago, I was living in survival mode day-to-day. I woke up, got myself and my kids ready for the day, headed out the door in a flurry, went to work, crossed things off my to-do list, rushed home to get my kids, and then I began what I called “my second shift” of running my children around to their activities while I also attempted to get extra work done due to the demands of my job.
My daily tasks were determined by what had to get done by a certain time. The majority of items on my list were part of my “mental load”. They were time-focused and task-specific. There was no true intention behind them. Instead, they just gave me direction in terms of steps that needed to be accomplished by a certain time.
Here are some examples:
By 7:45am, be sure that we are dressed and have everything we need so that the kids can get to school and I can get to work on time.
At work, get my grading and planning done so that I am prepared to teach my classes; teach classes, attend meetings, answer emails, work on my to-do list, etc.
Before leaving work, pack up all necessary materials so I can work on items tonight.
Pick up the kids and then get ready for their activities.
Before leaving the house, be sure we have all of the equipment (and snacks) for the kids so they can attend their practice, game, or after-school activity. Be sure I grab my work bag, so I can get work done in the car while they are at their activity.
At some point, grab dinner on-the go.
…the mental list went on and on.
From conversations with friends—and individuals I’ve worked with over the years— I know this is reality for many of us in this “stage of life” with children, careers, and trying to manage it all.
Many of us have this day-to-day routine of checking things off our mental to-do list without taking time to think through why we are doing the things we are doing, how we want to show up for those activities, our short- and long-term goals, or our intentions behind them.
“Big Rocks” To Focus On
When I began to prioritize my health and wellness, my health coach suggested that I start my day by listing intentions to provide clarity, focus, and help with stress management. What I listed each day were the “big rocks” that I wanted to focus on: they were a mix of goals and intentions based on my mental to-do list, what I was personally working on, and my purpose behind my goals.
Listing my three daily intentions became part of what I developed for my daily “10 Minute Power Practice.” Below are the 3 intentions I listed in my “10 Minute Power Practice” Journal. Each of them has purpose and intention behind them:
Workout: I want to move my body each day and feel strong. This one workout will lead me to my larger health and wellness goals.
Work meetings: I have a commitment to my professional roles. Attending and participating fully in my work meetings help me be the colleague and professional I intend to be.
Spend time with my kids: I want to carve out time to be with my kids. Focusing on my children and spending time with them each day is part of the larger intention of being more present in their life than I have been.
My list includes a combination of goals and intentions.
Are future-oriented
Are time-based, specific, and measurable
Usually less flexible and often fixed
Are things we want to achieve
Are focused on the “what” rather than the “why” (Tutoroot Personalised Learning)
Should be set regularly and can become part of a ritual
Should be created using positive language
Can be used as the driving force behind your goals
Help you feel more focused and mindful
Can make you think about your mind, body, soul, and environment in a conscious way (Intelligent Change)
If you want to learn more about the difference between goals and intentions, here are two articles that provide a nice overview:
Setting Intentions Leads To Purpose
For me, when I list my daily intentions, I think about the three most important things I want to focus on that day. Yes, there may be more than three, but if I think of only three, I ask myself, “What are the top three things that I want to commit to today so by the end of the day I can feel a sense of accomplishment about fulfilling them with purpose?”
Taking a few minutes at the start of my day to think about my intentions has a powerful effect on how I go about my day. And, I encourage you to start to do this too!
As you begin to set daily intentions, these questions can guide you as you develop this habit:
What areas of my life currently lack intentionality, and how can I bring more mindfulness into those areas?
How can I align my daily intentions with my long-term goals to ensure consistency and progress?
How do my intentions reflect my values and priorities, and are there any adjustments I need to make?
In what ways can I measure and track my progress towards fulfilling my intentions and achieving my goals?
How can I cultivate a sense of gratitude and fulfillment by honoring my intentions each day?
What practices or rituals can I incorporate into my daily routine to help me stay focused on my intentions?
What support systems or resources can I utilize to stay accountable and motivated in pursuing my intentions and goals?
Once you begin to set daily intentions, I also encourage you to take time at the end of the day to evaluate how you did. Ask yourself these questions:
Did I accomplish the three intentions that I set for the day?
What went well? Why?
What didn’t go so well? Why?
What can I learn from what went well, or what didn't go well?
What adjustments need to be made for tomorrow?
Smart Small Steps
If one of your long-term intentions is to live with more purpose and mindfulness in your life, then setting intentions each morning is one of the many steps you can take to lead you there. Then, by taking a few minutes at the end of the day to reflect, you provide yourself important feedback for making improvements and adjustments.
Remember, smart small steps every single day lead to massive outcomes over time. Setting daily intentions is one of those “smart steps” that you can use to create daily momentum toward your personal and professional goals.
Photo credit Elena Rabkina